Страница 93 - ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Учебник Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс Spotlight

Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В.

Издательство: Просвещение

Тип: Учебник

Решение заданий 6, 7, 8, 9 со страницы 93 из учебника по английскому языку для 8 класса Ваулиной

6. Listen and choose the correct answer А, В or С for each question.

7а. Listen to the sentences (1-6) and mark the stressed syllables.

Then match them to the feelings (a-f).

7b. In pairs, use the phrases 1-6 in Ex. 7a to make exchanges about the holiday events below.

8. Portfolio: Work in pairs.

Imagine you went on a holiday where everything went wrong.

Now you are back.

Tell your partner.

Use the phrases in Ex. 1.

You can use the dialogue in Ex. 5 as a model.

Record yourselves.

9. Think of ten new words/phrases you have learnt in this lesson.

Make sentences using them.

Tell your partner.

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